Quotes From "Vanilla Beaned" By Jenn McKinlay

Mel opened her jaw wide to stretch it out before she spoke again so that her words were very clear. “I am going to kill you. I’m going to drag your sorry carcass out into the desert, pour honey all over you, and let the fire ants eat you.”“ You’re angry, ” he said.“ Thank you, Captain Obvious, ” Mel snapped. Jenn McKinlay
At that, Marty howled great big, messy sobs, and Elanor, the little lady in the yellow suit, who organized the weddings at the church, came running with a box of tissue. Oz appeared in the vestibule, looking alarmed. “Is everything all right? I thought someone was strangling a duck.”“ Do you mind?” Marty snapped. “Me and the bride, here, we’re having a moment. Jenn McKinlay
As you know from our trips to Belmont Park in San Diego, I can scream like a girl when required.” he said. Angie laughed then she grabbed him by the face and planted a kiss on the lips so fierce, Mel wondered if it was Angie’s way of putting a lip-lock protective spell on her man. She hoped it was and she hoped it worked. Jenn McKinlay