Quotes From "Undercover" By Beth Kephart

Beauty is the worst kind of lie.
Beauty is the worst kind of lie. Beth Kephart
Nature is not the number-one mystery, I’ve learned. It’s the heart that takes top honors. Beth Kephart
The night before, I'd gone overboard with my Lila poems, and maybe it's true that I was hoping that in them he'd see the genius of me, the beauty of my words in his hands. Beth Kephart
Forgiveness, which is the place that every story turns, the chance we give each other. Beth Kephart
When I was a boy, that was all I wanted–to grow a pair of wings and get up into the sky. I had a basement full of failed wing projects. Boards and capes and motors, even a pile of found feathers I once tried to glue together with a bottle of Elmer’s; you should have seen your grandmother’s face. But I never got any higher than the backyard fence I’d launch from. I never got inside a cloud. Your raven did. Beth Kephart
Fox-TrotBy the stream the fox and she-fox stood Nose to nose beneath the stars Dancing the music of the woods. The deer rapped a beat with their hooves, The ravens sang from raven hearts As by the stream the fox and she-fox stood. The great owl called as a great owl would, The squirrels all shimmied in the dark, Dancing the music of the woods. Then from the north a fierce wind blew And broke the starry dance apart By the stream where the fox and she-fox stood. . Beth Kephart
His client needs him, he says. Needs him? But isn’t he needed at home? Beth Kephart
Have you ever watched a leaf leave a tree? It falls upward first, and then it drifts toward the ground, just as I find myself drifting towards you. Beth Kephart