Quotes From "Trying To Live With The Dead" By B.L. Brunnemer

Pull something out and show me.” I said thoughtlessly. Isaac started snickering, Ethan joined in. Asher was holding back a laugh, his cheeks turning pink. I thought about what I said and started laughing. There are just some things you can’t say in a room full of guys. B.L. Brunnemer
Beautiful is sick, so we’re here to smother her back to health. B.L. Brunnemer
The dead still come to me every now and then. But the lulls between are getting smaller. They are finding me somehow. I tell them why they can’t move on. I listen to their lives and talk to them if they need it. I still draw their portraits in my sketchbook, with their stories. I put Mary Summer in there too. Someone should remember. B.L. Brunnemer