Quotes From "Tree Of Life" By

KUNDALINI DANCEDark and cold and wet were Her hands I felt Her chilly breath inside my throat Her claws deep inside trying to find traces of Fear within me I stayed still Accepting Opening ReceivingWithin a moment She was inside Two fingers below My belly button In there She found no traces of shiversno traces of resistance, no traces of weaknessjust clear pure Passage-WayThen She grew into Her most powerful SelfShe stood undisturbed, unmoved, unchanged Totally free and She screamed A A A A A U U U U U U M M M From the centre of the earth, Through the tunnels of the caves, To the surface of the volcanoes A A A A U U U U U U M M M M To open: Mountain tops untouched by clouds and rain Cherry fields in their full blossom A dog running after a train filled with the excitement A witch laughing at passers-by mirroring their paranoia Death looking us in the eyes searching for the chosen Few Capable to see the Key behind Her magic veil . Unknown
I see You, Every time I look into Buddha’s eyes. I give myself to You. Every time I alter one of Your 1, 000s names. Honestly & fully I love You. Through Christ and Maria, Shiva and Shakti, Krishna and Radha, With every day that passes and every breath I take. I enter gratitude for receiving Your Love. Obeying Your Laws of Truthfulness and Ahimsa, Weaving Prana With hearts and souls of Gaia. Through mysticism, shamanism, sufism, and ecstatic meditations. I yearn to touch You, to feel You, to be You. Within this amazing Journey of Awareness of Your Consciousness. . Unknown
VISION OF A WISARDHow many of you wish to be Wizards when you grow old? How many of you want to fly? I wished to become a dragon — he said And he looked at us with eyes filled with fire The Wizard of Earth’s SeaDescended to tell us a secret of A B R A C A D A B R A Get to know — he said - God’s true name The word will initiate PowerGate keepers of Ancient KnowledgeWill open their doors Mythological Archetypes will start their dance Leading you to your tribal clout Skeletons scattered over the burial grounds Ancestors with their weapons and spears Saints and DemonsDoctors and GypsiesHealers and WitchesWill join you to celebrate The Birth of SelfPower of Mind over BodyThe Vision of the Dominion of Light . Unknown