Quotes From "This Is His House And These Are His Rules" By Unknown

Power and knowledge are funny things if you have no idea how to handle them. But God gives every man, woman, and child the opportunity to share in His divine nature and to live for an eternity. We are part of the infinite wonders of His inconceivable love for us, and we will share in His total power and knowledge if we pass this test. Unknown
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find'…never were any truer words spoken. Unknown
So many people will be lost to the fires of hell and ultimately experience the loss of their spiritual life because of this completion of pride, which is lust. Heaven is not about the physical; it’s about the spiritual, the completion of love, which is the opposite of lust. Hell, on the other hand, is all about the physical; it’s all about how you and I deal with the challenges we face daily here in this physical world. Do we lust after the pleasures of the flesh, or do we respond to the physical in a spiritual manner? That’s the greatest judgmental factor. . Unknown
Humans want answers, answers that compute; this does not compute Will Robinson! This was dialogue between a young boy and a robot from a TV series in the late 1960s. This TV series was a precursor for the new technology humans were about to be introduced to in the late twentieth century. Unknown
I could only imagine how Jesus felt when He heard the voice of our Heavenly Father God Almighty for the first time. He was probably a little confused, terrified, and probably was nervous… Unknown