Quotes From "The Vampire Lestat" By Anne Rice

I never lie,
I never lie, " I said offhand. "At least not to those I don't love. Anne Rice
Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you....
Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you. You better not die. You might actually go to hell. Anne Rice
Maybe a new religion will rise now. Maybe without it,...
Maybe a new religion will rise now. Maybe without it, man will crumble in cynicism and selfishness because he really needs his gods. Anne Rice
As the Roman Empire came to its close, all the old gods of the pagan world were seen as demons by the Christians who rose. It was useless to tell them as the centuries passed that their Christ was but another God of the Wood, dying and rising, as Dionysus or Osiris had done before him, and that the Virgin Mary was in fact the Good Mother again enshrined. Theirs was a new age of belief and conviction, and in it we became devils, detached from what they believed, as old knowledge was forgotten or misunderstood. Anne Rice
Very few beings really seek knowledge in this world. Mortal or immortal, few really ask. On the contrary, they try to wring from the unknown the answers they have already shaped in their own minds -- justifications, confirmations, forms of consolation without which they can't go on. To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questioner. Anne Rice
I've lived all these years among those who create nothing and change nothing, ' I said. 'Actors and musicians-they're saints to me. Anne Rice
And this notion of the meaninglessness of our lives here began to enflame us. I took up the theme again that music and acting were good because they drove back chaos. Chaos was the meaninglessness of day-to-day life, and if we were to die now, our lives would have been nothing but meaninglessness. Anne Rice
One will hate you for taking his life, another will run to excesses that you scorn. A third will emerge mad and raving, another a monster you cannot control. One will be jealous of your superiority, another shut you out... And the veil will always come down between you Make a legion, you will be, always and forever alone! Anne Rice
It has its dark splendor, to walk the nightmare terrain forever. Anne Rice
I don't believe in anything, Mother, " I said. "You told Armand long ago that you believe you'll find answers in the great jungles and forests; that the stars will finally reveal a vast truth. But I don't believe in anything. And that makes me stronger than you think Anne Rice
You have a light in you that’s almost blinding. But in me there’s only darkness. Sometimes I think it’s like the darkness that infected you that night in the inn when you began to cry and to tremble. You were so helpless, so unprepared for it. I try to keep the darkness from you because I need your light. I need it desperately, but you don’t need the darkness. Anne Rice
Actors and actresses make magic, ' I said. 'They make things happen on the stage; they invent; they create. Anne Rice
A singer can shatter glass with the proper high note, " he said, "but the simplest way to break glass is simply to drop it on the floor. Anne Rice
If goodness does exist, then I'm the opposite of it. I'm evil, and I revel in it Anne Rice
And this lesson about mortal peace of mind I never forgot. Even if a ghost is ripping a house to pieces, throwing in pans all over, pouring water of pillows, making clocks chime at all hours, mortal will accept almost any "natural explanation" offered, no matter how absurd, rather than the obvious supernatural one, for what is going on. Anne Rice
Because, " she said, "that is what men would call it. They invented Satan, didn't they? Satanic is merely the name they give to the behavior of those who would disrupt the orderly way in which men want to live. Anne Rice
I was still sitting there, too unsure of myself to say anything, when Nicolas kissed me.' Let's go to bed, ' he said softly. Anne Rice
We are the things that others fear, " I said. "Remember that. Anne Rice
I touched the small sacred images. I shook my head and bit my lip, as if to say, How awful that he should have stolen these! But I also found it very funny. And further proof that God had no power over me. Anne Rice
I didn't want to be in hell, even for a moment. I sure as hell wasn't going there just to spit in the face of the Prince of Darkness, whoever he might be! On the contrary, if I was a damned thing, then let the son of a bitch come for me! Let him tell me why I was mean to suffer. I would truly like to know. As for oblivion, well, we can wait a little while for that. Anne Rice
I'm speaking of the character of human beings, not what they believe in. I'm speaking of those who won't accept a useless life just because they were born to it. I mean those who would be something better. They work, they sacrifice, they do things.." He was moved by this, and I was a little surprised that I'd said it. Yet I felt I'd had hurt him somehow. "There is blessedness in that." I said. "There's sanctity. And God or no God, there is goodness in it. I know this the way I know the mountains are out there, that the stars shine. Anne Rice
You're the hunter, the warrior. You're stronger than anyone else here, that's your tragedy. Anne Rice
No one is safe from nature's savagery, not even the innocent. Only beauty is consistent. Gabrielle envisions a time when the Savage Garden will overtake civilizations and destroy it. Anne Rice
We were at that moment of drunkenness that the two of us had come to call the Golden Moment, when everything made sense. We always tried to stretch out that moment, and then inevitably one of us would confess, "I can't follow anymore, I think the Golden Moment's passed. Anne Rice
I realized aloud in the midst of saying it that even when we die we probably don't find out the answer as to why we were ever alive. Even the avowed atheist probably thinks that in death he'll get some answer. I mean God will be there, or there won't be anything at all.' But that's just it, ' I said, 'we don't make any discovery at that moment! We merely stop! We pass into nonexistence without ever knowing a thing.' I saw the universe, a vision of the sun, the planets, the stars, black night going on forever. And I began to laugh.' Do you realize that! We'll never know why the hell any of it happened, not even when it's over! ' I shouted at Nicolas, who was sitting back on the bed, nodding and drinking his wine out of a flagon. 'We're going to die and not even know. We'll never know, and all this meaninglessness will just go on and on and on. And we won't any longer be witness to it. We won't have even that little bit of power to give meaning to it in our minds. We'll just be gone, dead, dead, dead, without ever knowing! . Anne Rice
As for oblivion, well, we can wait a little while for that. Anne Rice