Quotes From "The Unwritten Vol 3: Dead Mans Knock" By Steven Hall

It's a sad fact that most people can't even spot a story when they see one. Most people don't know that stories aren't confined by the covers of books or by half-hour slots on TV. The world is made of stories. The world is driven by stories. When a sunburned-friend tells you about their holiday, it's not a straight list of everything that happened to them - it's a story, an anecdote with a plot, a beginning, a middle and an end. Each one of their holiday snaps is a story too. When you're making a decision, and you imagine the possible outcomes - what are you doing if not telling yourself a story? History is a story. Society is a story. Countries are stories. Your plans are stories. Your desires are stories. Your own memories are stories - narratives selected, trimmed and packaged by the hidden machinery in your mind. Human beings are story engines. We have to be - to understand stories is to understand the world. Steven Hall
Without a story there is no meaning. And the nature of the meaning depends on the nature of the story. To understand this is to understand the true power of stories. And so, to control the stories, to be the one doing the telling... Well now, wouldn't that be quite a thing...? Steven Hall