Quotes From "The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinners Semester At Americas Holiest University" By Kevin Roose

...I realized how naive I was. My aunt Tina was right: this stuff does exist, and it does hurt people, and although there are lots of people at Liberty who condemn violence against gays--including Dr. Falwell himself--the number of students who want to give them the Goliath treatment isn't zero. In fact, the number who live in my room isn't zero. Kevin Roose
If prayers emitted light, you'd see ours (Liberty students') from space. Kevin Roose
I don't think college is something you should tough out. Kevin Roose
In the evangelical world, prying can be an indicator of compassion. Kevin Roose
Christian pop culture can be worthwhile if done well, but bad Christian pop culture isn't redeemed merely by the fact that it's Christian. Kevin Roose
The author's mentor advises the NAKED method of breaking the ice at the first meeting: Name, Address, Kin, Experience, and Dreams. Kevin Roose
Fellowship" is a Christianspeak for "flirt with unsuccessfully". Kevin Roose
As frustrating as the battle for purity must be, I suppose it's easier if you've got company. Kevin Roose
False conversions are a wart on the face of Christian evangelism. Kevin Roose
When the author admits to Christians that he was not a Christian himself, he says their dialogue became "distant and rehearsed, like a pitch for Ginsu knives. Kevin Roose