Quotes From "The Tribe That Discovered Trust: How Trust Is Created Lost And Regained In Commercial Interactions" By David Amerland

Trust cannot, in the real world, be just a matter of personal choice. David Amerland
Familiarity with the brand requires some experience of it (via advertising, word of mouth, internet publicity), Confidence comes with the perception of competence in the brand itself (which is why new brands really need to work hard for people to experience them first) and Trustworthiness refers to the sense of whether the brand is going to live up to its promise of reliability for the price paid. David Amerland
Every relationship is governed by motive, capability and reliability and these three factors become the core components of the trust equation David Amerland
Trust is an ethereal quality. Like oxygen or light we notice it only by its absence. David Amerland
We trust strangers not because they are always trustworthy but because we want to believe in a world where they are. David Amerland
Despite the fact that logic tells us that we should not trust anyone, in any situation where the unknown variables are too many or the risks too high, we nevertheless go ahead and take what can only be called a leap of faith. David Amerland
The presence of Knowledge Based Trust in organizations gives rise to a high level of interpersonal trust amongst their members and creates cohesive units out of a loose bunch of people. David Amerland