Quotes From "The Tao Of Jiu Jitsu" By Chris Matakas

Jiu Jitsu opened up doors in my mind that public education had bolted shut. In hindsight, I see just how superficial my thoughts had been prior to this art. It is no coincidence that my efforts in reading and writing have run parallel with this craft. I began training Jiu Jitsu at twenty-two, and at the time of this writing I am about to turn thirty. I have learned more in the past eight years than the previous twenty-two, and have no doubts that Jiu Jitsu opened up my mind in a way traditional organized education never could. Jiu Jitsu gave me a life when I didn't know how to live. It is the best thing I have ever done, and is the foundation upon which all I will do. . Chris Matakas
Jiu Jitsu has given me an education in education, which...
Jiu Jitsu has given me an education in education, which I now see is the most valuable education there is. Chris Matakas
Things can be added, but that doesn't mean that anything...
Things can be added, but that doesn't mean that anything is missing. Chris Matakas
Habits are infinitely more beneficial to the aspiring student than...
Habits are infinitely more beneficial to the aspiring student than motivation. Motivation may get you started, but habits keep you going. Chris Matakas
Just know that the achievement of anything grand takes consistent...
Just know that the achievement of anything grand takes consistent effort year after year. Motivation can uphold you intermittently, but it has too few calories to sustain a life. Chris Matakas
Systems and processes will always surpass motivation.
Systems and processes will always surpass motivation. Chris Matakas
We see that happiness is not comfort. Happiness is the...
We see that happiness is not comfort. Happiness is the freedom to choose one's own way. Chris Matakas
Nothing feels dirtier than living a life that is not your own. No amount of money is worth my soul. I would rather be homeless and go out in a blaze of glory than subject myself to a slow and steady death of apathy and government by my environment. Chris Matakas
Jiu Jitsu uses us to express itself, and the best thing we can do to is to become a vehicle capable of expressing Jiu Jitsu with all of its perfection minus our imperfections. Chris Matakas
I have found that the morning is far more accessible when a good book awaits you. Chris Matakas
As far as our relation to the physical world, I doubt there will be much more improvement. Our basic survival needs have been met, and much of our current progress is superfluous or downright troublesome. Most advancement is performed out of comfort rather than necessity. What we are lacking, what the world so desperately needs now, is adjustments of the mind. We need to see the world again with fresh eyes, and come to an understanding of who we are as individuals, and what drives us. Chris Matakas
When you realize you are no longer made of glass, you lose the desire to demonstrate that fragility in others. Chris Matakas
We are force-fed beliefs through incessant advertisements by a culture that ceaselessly fosters our conformity to values which are of no service to the individual. Chris Matakas
There is no more valuable skill than studentship. The farther we go down one area of human understanding, the more we see the corollaries that all activities share. Everything I do for the rest of my life, all the skills I acquire, will be made possible because of my time spent on the mats. It has revealed a symbiosis between all things that I never knew existed. Chris Matakas
No one's life will be harder because I exist. Chris Matakas
The medal from an old grappling tournament will not serve me today, but the courage I developed in its acquisition will. By investing in yourself, by using all endeavors as a vehicle to shape who we are, we exist in the present moment with a lifetime of growth behind us. I have loved many vehicles throughout the years, Jiu Jitsu more than any other, but the vehicle has, and always will, be a distant second to the driver. Chris Matakas
On the other side of self-doubt comes a confidence from faith in the process. Even though our destination may be a long way off, each day we rise with a subtle smile as if we have already achieved it, because, when we are truly committed to a task, we already have. Chris Matakas
Jiu Jitsu is a baptism by combat, and serves a purpose in the inner life of the individual that has always existed, but our modern culture fails to acknowledge. Chris Matakas
Plateaus are a manifestation of the law of diminishing returns, and when we reach one it simply means that it is time to adjust our methods. Chris Matakas
After I received my blue belt, I soon recognized that the belts were simply an external representation of an inner experience, and that they mattered little compared to the person I was becoming. Chris Matakas
The road from white belt to black is long and arduous; most never reach the end. There are simply too many obstacles of daily life, and too much effort and attention required, for this to be something that the majority of practitioners achieve. This is why a black belt in Jiu Jitsu, especially from a reputable source, is the pinnacle of martial arts rank. It is valuable because of what must be traded for its achievement. . Chris Matakas
Many of us begin this art with little to no understanding of what we are getting ourselves into. Then, maybe a year or a black belt later, we realize this odyssey we have embarked upon and rest happily in knowing we have chosen a noble struggle. I think we owe most of our successes to our initial ignorance. When we begin, we cannot see the obstacles ahead, and so we march on optimistically. In hindsight, when we look back and connect the dots, we see just how green we were at the start, and it was only our ignorance that upheld us from the crushing despair of the task at hand. Chris Matakas
In the present moment, no past achievement has any bearing, but we perpetually bring ourselves into the here and now; we are our constant companion. By carving the ineffable nature of my soul, rather than simply pursuing the "W, " I am able to bring all of my past accomplishments with me into the present. They do hold bearing on today, not because of what I have done, but because of who I have become. This is what matters. . Chris Matakas
Jiu Jitsu has given me something to pursue. We all need something to work towards. For people, as well as every piece of matter in the universe, there is no such thing as maintenance. If you are not growing you are decaying. The insidious nature of modern times is that it is so easy not to pursue anything. Societal norms pressure us into jobs we do not like, and the daily comforts of televisions and computers offer much in the way of distraction. If that isn't enough, there is always the numbing effects of alcohol coupled with attention-grabbing sporting events which conveniently run year round so one is never short of stimulus. . Chris Matakas
A core group of guys, all sharing similar goals, can move mountains. Chris Matakas
The most meaningful endeavors are the ones that come without an end. Chris Matakas
Today's world is flooded with participation trophies. In an attempt to promote equality we have robbed our youth of the most growth-inducing aspect of competition, failing. If you want to be resurrected, you have to first be crucified. Everybody wants to be reborn, but no one is willing to die. Losing, in the context of whatever arena it may be, is a microcosmic death. When we learn from our failures and grow because of them, we are reborn. Chris Matakas
In whatever we do, we should be investing in ourselves and not our jobs. Everything I have ever pursued has been for the sole goal of who I was becoming in its achievement. I competed and fought because of the man I became. This is the only worthwhile victory. You cannot take the trophies with you. Chris Matakas
We can either approach Jiu Jitsu through the lens of the "real world" or we can approach the real world through the lens of Jiu Jitsu. I have found the latter to be far more rewarding. Chris Matakas
There is an opportunity cost for everything we do. This is why we must have the awareness to ensure that what we are pursuing is really what we value, because the pursuit leaves countless lost opportunities in its wake. We choose one experience at the sacrifice of all other experiences. Chris Matakas
We are the estranged orphans of our nations and tribes, and we now bear the weight not of survival of the group but of personal identity. Chris Matakas
We have an obligation to ourselves to foster the environment that allows for our self-actualization. Rather than my gifts serving me, I must serve them. I want to be a steward of the best aspects of my character and assist them in their fulfillment through proper discipline and habits. Chris Matakas
We are never truly ourselves as we are mid-roll. Chris Matakas
In the modern world we are surrounded by so much abundance that we cannot see it. Chris Matakas
The day-to-day grind of adult life brings with it a tedium that weighs heavily on our powers of attention. The same experiences, at the same time and place, day in and day out, breed a familiarity that blunts our senses. Chris Matakas
Nothing worthwhile ever came from divided attention. Chris Matakas
The greatest effects we have on the world are the ones we can never see. Chris Matakas
I am acutely aware that all I have been able to achieve has been in large part due to circumstances outside my control. This is why I teach, and this is why I write. I want to be one of those opportunities for others. Perhaps this is the true measure of success. Chris Matakas
I have found the more worthwhile something is, the more of your life is required to achieve it. Chris Matakas
If we do not master ourselves, we will be a slave to ourselves. Chris Matakas
Anyone who has ever achieved anything has been a steward of his potential. Chris Matakas
I have never been as alive or awake as I have been through Jiu Jitsu. Chris Matakas
Life is a constant build up and release of tension. If we go too far in either direction bad things happen. Chris Matakas
We can lose the roll, we can lose position, but we can constantly strive to win the moment. Chris Matakas
Anyone can be tough for a season. It takes a special kind of human to rise to life's challenges for a lifetime. Chris Matakas
It is a shock to many college graduates that their segway into the real world is one of obligation, profound debt, and countless sacrifices of the soul. Chris Matakas