Quotes From "The Spiral House" By Claire Robertson

He leaned into Le Voir’s face with the calliper and breathed on him, holding forth on this new science of which calibration was the test; these measurements would describe classes of being and we who had provided the parameters would be fit within them. To hear him tell it, this classification of species was the hope of Man. Claire Robertson
There is no ‘what if’. Only in stories. Claire Robertson
Ours was the age of enlightenment, he said, when the battle cry was, ‘We must know, we shall know! ’, and reason would depose superstition and we be liberated by it. Claire Robertson
I do not like to think too much on this Africa. It is too large and too empty, ” he said. “People like De Buys, they astonish me with their courage — or perhaps it is a lack in them; they cannot imagine. I think that is one way to be not afraid: in a covered wagon looking at the piece of the horizon your mind can hold, and do not suffer thoughts about endless lands and unknowable things. Claire Robertson