Quotes From "The Shock Of The Fall" By Nathan Filer

I don't want the world to keep turning without me on it. Nathan Filer
Once-upon-a-time we buried the memories we didn't want. Nathan Filer
If I look closely I can see we have the same colour eyes, not me and Simon, but me and the boy who is also me, the boy who I can no longer recognise, with whom I no longer share a single thought, worry, or hope. Nathan Filer
Any punishment is an insult to the crime Nathan Filer
HELLO, my name is your potential. But you can call me impossible. I am the missed opportunities. I am the expectations you will never fulfil. I am always taunting you, regardless of how hard you try, how hard you hope. Nathan Filer
She's known sadness. That's what it is. I only just thought that as I wrote it. She's known sadness, and it has made her kind. Nathan Filer
When she turned to see me smiling. It was an awkward smile, but you only really know what a smile means when you own the face behind it. Everyone else just sees the smile they expected it to be. Nathan Filer
You only really know what a smile means when you own the face behind it. Everyone else just sees the smile they expect it to be. Nathan Filer
Mental illness turns people inwards. That's what I reckon. It keeps up forever trapped by the pain of our own minds, in the same way that the pain of a broken leg or a cut thumb will grab your attention, holding it so tightly that your good leg or your good thumb seem to cease to exist. Nathan Filer
Inside my head is a jigsaw made of trillions and trillions and trillions of atoms. It might take a while. Nathan Filer
Some madness doesn't act mad to begin with, sometimes it will knock politely at the door, and when you let it in, it'll simply sit in the corner without a fuss - and grow. Nathan Filer
But that is what these people do - the Steves of this world - they all try and make something out of nothing. and they all do it for themselves. Nathan Filer