Quotes From "The Shiva Syndrome" By Alan Joshua

The "paranormal" is what we call a phenomenon when examined through the narrow lens of what we consider "normal." You have to transcend the senses to understand them. Alan Joshua
To write a novel is to dream while awake, then express the dream to the reader in an absorbing way. The road leading from the writer's inner world to the readers' is paved with prose. Alan Joshua
Today, religion is systematized, formalized group worship. It’s packaged. We don’t live the divine any longer, we only hear or read about it. Alan Joshua
Most people live out ordinary lives by denying death. Others live more completely because they’re aware of it. I choose the second group. Alan Joshua
Myths grew from the ancient tradition of passing on knowledge orally, the only means of doing so before writing. They’re narratives of human existence. They helped our ancestors interpret reality, solve problems, and guided social behavior. They structured natural and social information into patterns using symbols, and embedded fact into story form. This increased their impact, making information meaningful and personally involving–not just cold, detached facts. Alan Joshua
Art imitates life, but science fiction informs us about what form it will take. Alan Joshua
Art sometimes imitates life. When it does, science fiction presages what form that life may take. Alan Joshua
The "paranormal" is what we call a phenomenon when examined through the narrow lens of what we consider "normal." You have to leave the entrapment of "normal" beliefs to understand them much as zero gravity can't be understood when you are earthbound. Alan Joshua
Paranormal phenomena are only acollection of abilities that challenge known science. Physical lawsdon’t explained them. You have to go beyond the limits of traditionalcategories to make any sense of them. Beau Walker--The SHIVA Syndrome Alan Joshua