Quotes From "The Shifting Moon" By Sara Massa

Thunder erupted over head as I watched him go. I felt the rain start to hit my head, getting me soaked in an instant. Before he went into his house, he turned back one more time and looked at me with those sad eyes. “Looks like you have your storm.” And then he was gone, leaving me standing out in the rain. Sara Massa
What was that about?” he asked his voice deep with a bitter distain. I raised an eyebrow at him, “What was what about?”“ All that, ‘Are-you-okay?’ and ‘Do-you-want-to-talk-about-it?’ crap.”“ I was being nice. You know, that thing you being the total opposite of right now. Sara Massa
I don’t believe this. This is utter shit! ” I yelled.“ Does it look like I’m lying?” Steven asked. I rolled my eyes at his incredibly stupid question, “I don’t know. Let me look at you with my x-ray vision to see through this stupid blindfold and I’ll get back to you. Sara Massa
I know that you’re worried about me, but crushing my lungs isn’t going to help anyone. Sara Massa
I looked up from the ground and glared at Scarlett, who helped Steven stand up. “You bitch.” I growled, sitting up. She looked back at me and walked over to where I was. I kept my glare on her, and just as I was about to stand up, her foot came and hit me in the face. I flung back around and my vision started to blur as my head hit the ground. I heard the squishing noise of Scarlett’s heels against the wet ground and her say her last words to me: “See you in a while, Aiyanna. We’ll do lunch.” And then they were gone, just like that. That’s when I couldn’t hold on any longer and I let the blackness consume me. Sara Massa
Later that night, I sat in my room thinking of what I just went through. The four of us had burned the body in an old pit and covered the burned remains with a pile of leaves. Just standing there, watching the crackling fire burn and cripple the bones of this thing just reminded me of how real this all became. My mom was not too happy when I came home late and smelling like a crematorium. Sara Massa
. In gym, she would purposely get on the opposite team of me and since we were still doing dodge ball; she would try to hit me. This brings us to one of the only things I understood from my brother and dad when they were explaining stuff to me: I now had quicker reflexes thanks to the awakened shifter gene. She couldn’t hit me even if the ball got launched by a canon. Well, maybe not a canon, but something that would launch it pretty fast. Sara Massa