Quotes From "The Rules" By Stacey Kade

What was the point, I had to wonder, of fighting so hard to learn to protect my life if I was destroying it in the process? Stacey Kade
No. Not a death wish. Just very little left to lose. Stacey Kade
It might have been my human side clamoring for blood, or my alien side looking for a chance to exercise strategic dominance over a lesser life form. Either way, I was going to win. Stacey Kade
That was, in fact, my life. A whole series of reasonable lies. Stacey Kade
So it turns out that late-night flashes of brilliance often look a little less brilliant in the bright light of morning. Stacey Kade
Pretending to feel something you don't can often lead you to the real thing, in some form. Stacey Kade
So what did it matter where she came from? Who-or what-her parents were? Everyone's family was messed up in some way including my own. And she was still the same Ariane. Stacey Kade
The trouble with rules, though, is that you'll always be tempted to break one- for the right reasons, due to unavoidable circumstances, because it feels as if there's no other choice. And once you break one, the rest seem like so much broken glass. The damage is already done. Stacey Kade