Quotes From "The Ruby Circle" By Richelle Mead

Am I still married to a cat? (Adrian)
Am I still married to a cat? (Adrian) Richelle Mead
Those words, that voice, had more power over me than...
Those words, that voice, had more power over me than any phantom ever could. Richelle Mead
Did you pick that out?" I asked Dimitri. Honestly, I would have expected him to bend a piece of steel with his bare hands and present her with that. Richelle Mead
Through the metal grating on my carrier door, Adrian's face suddenly appeared, peering in at me. "What new, pussycat? Richelle Mead
I shook my head, smiling in spite of myself, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Adrian. My husband. If anyone had told me a year ago that I'd be married, I would've said they were joking. If they'd told me I'd be married to a vampire, I would've said they were delusional. Looking at Adrian now, I felt a surge of love well up within me, despite our earlier tension. I could no longer imagine a life without him in it. It was impossible. Could I imagine a life with him that didn't involve us being trapped in a suite of rooms with his mother while both our people reviled us and made plans against us? Definitely. There were any number of futures I'd love to have for us, but his was our current path until something spectacular happened. Outside, the Court's gates, my people wanted to imprison me. Inside them, his people wanted to assault him. At least in this suite, we were safe. Most importantly, we were together. Richelle Mead
We don't really have a song or anything." I pondered that for a second. "I guess we've failed as a couple in that regard." She scoffed. "If that's our biggest failing, then I think we're doing okay. Richelle Mead
That creature's staying?' It figured. Her daughter-in-law transforming into an animal? No problem. Having to take care of a cat? Crisis. (Sydney Sage-Ivashkov) Richelle Mead