Quotes From "The Roman General: A Novel" By Jocelyn Murray

It is not his body which makes a man strong, but his spirit. Nothing on the outside, but only that which comes from within. Jocelyn Murray
It is not triumph which defines a man, but tragedy. Triumph always brings out the best in men, but tragedy shows us what we are made of. Jocelyn Murray
Suffering is the fire by which love is tested. Jocelyn Murray
There are no easy paths in this life. And when troubles arise, we must face them with the same dignity as we do success. Jocelyn Murray
Some things are worth the wait. A little suspense heightens the pleasure. Jocelyn Murray
This world is all vanity. It is a tempest hurling us from one sorrow to another. Jocelyn Murray
It is not always the motives behind an action that make it noble. Sometimes it is as simple as the action itself. Jocelyn Murray
There is no honor in cruelty. Jocelyn Murray