Quotes From "The Radiant Road" By Katherine Catmull

That is what I love best about dreams, and about makings, good makings. They are folded-up buds of complications and mysteries, and if you stay with them patiently, they will unfold and unfold, and never stop unfolding. Dreams are flowers that never stop blooming. Katherine Catmull
You don't drown because you can't breathe. You drown because you try to breathe what is not breathable. Katherine Catmull
On one of the right-side-up pages show wrote, with some difficulty, Know what roots know: there is only one tree. Katherine Catmull
Finn said, “You feel the wind is a bully, beating you. But that is your seeing. That is your story, not the wind’s. To a bird who rides it, that wind is only a kind hand. Because the bird rides the wind’s power. Do you understand?” Clare, bitter, cold, and wind-battered, frowned stubbornly. “But a bird can fly. I can’t fly.” He turned to look at her, and his face was troubled. “If you cling to the safety of the rock, indeed you can’t. To fly, you open your arms and fall, heart first, trusting the wind to bear you up. That’s what the birds do. Katherine Catmull
Seeing is 'making, ' whether you see with your mind or your true self. Try to see with your self, your self and your beast together, and not your busy, frightened mind. Katherine Catmull
..said Finn..“Only remember, Clare. In a dream, what you want will come out, one way or the other. ”“So . So I should be careful about what I want, then, right?”“ No, you can’t be careful with what you want. Wanting isn’t a pet who stays at your heels; it’s a wild animal. You must become friendly with it. It will make an offer, and you will respond. Converse with what you want that way.”“ So what should I try to want? What should I look for?”“ Never look for what you should want and desire, but what you do want and desire. You should know that from your poetry. It is the only way to 'make' true. What you desire will appear, no matter how you try to erase or recolor it.”“ All right, ” said Clare. She turned her back on the ocean and the fire, and began to walk toward the dunes. . Katherine Catmull