Quotes From "The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment" By Eckhart Tolle

It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole...
It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living. Eckhart Tolle
I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of...
I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats. Eckhart Tolle
Watch any plant or animal and let it teach you acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now.Let it teach you Being.Let it teach you integrity – which means to be one, to be yourself, to be real. Let it teach you how to live and how to die, and how not to make living and dying into a problem. Eckhart Tolle
Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time–past and future–the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is. Eckhart Tolle
Reading is my passion and my escape since I was...
Reading is my passion and my escape since I was 5 years old. Overall, children don't realize the magic that can live inside their own heads. Better even then any movie. Eckhart Tolle
See if you can catch yourself complaining, in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness. . Eckhart Tolle
I would say about 80 to 90 percent of people's thinking is not only repetitive and useless, but because of its dysfunction and often negative nature, much of it is also harmful. Observe your mind and you will know this to be true. It causes a serious leakage of vital energy. Eckhart Tolle
For awhile, I was left with nothing on the physical plane. I had no relationships, no job, no home, no socially defined identity. I spent almost two years sitting on park benches in a state of the most intense joy. Eckhart Tolle
Next time you say "I have nothing incommon with this person, " remember that you have a great deal in common: A few yearsfrom now - two years or seventy years, it doesn't make much difference - both of you willhave become rotting corpses, then piles of dust, then nothing at all. This is a sobering andhumbling realization that leaves little room for pride. Is this a negative thought? No, it is a fact. Why close your eyes to it? In that sense, there is total equality between you and everyother creature. . Eckhart Tolle
You are awareness, disguised as a person. Eckhart Tolle
If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future. Eckhart Tolle
When you are fully conscious, drama does not come into your life anymore. Eckhart Tolle
Space and silence are two aspects of the same thing. The same no-thing. They are externalization of inner space and inner silence, which is stillness: the infinitely creative womb of all existence. Eckhart Tolle
So the single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to disidentify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind all that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it. . Eckhart Tolle
True communication is communion- the realization of oneness, which is love. Eckhart Tolle
Don't look for peace. Don't look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender Eckhart Tolle
...the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whaterver form. Both are illusions. Eckhart Tolle
If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without. Eckhart Tolle