Quotes From "The Perfect Blindside" By Leslea Wahl

What was I thinking? He's been tied up for who knows how long and he's injured. I left him there alone to face two guys with guns. Some rescuer I am. Leslea Wahl
Why? As much fun as a hospital sounds, I'd rather spend the evening dancing with an amazing, smart, funny, interesting, beautiful girl who has the most incredible green eyes I've ever seen. Sophie, will you go to the dance with me? Leslea Wahl
After school I tell Kate that, as much fun as it sounds, I can't go check out the cup stacking team. Leslea Wahl
Great. Relationship advice from one of America's most wanted. Leslea Wahl
That's two full days away. Maybe, if I'm not dead by then, I can still take Sophie. Leslea Wahl
The only reason I know that is because my mom made it the alarm code at the library, ' I quickly explain. 'Oops, ' I say, covering my hand with my hand.' Don't worry. I'm not planning on breaking in and stealing any books. Leslea Wahl
Maybe you should take some lessons from the forest crooner, ' he suggests. Leslea Wahl