Quotes From "The Pepper In The Gumbo" By Mary Jane Hathaway

I know we sort of said goodbye, but I don’t have anyone else to tell this to and I’m going to burst with it. You know EBB’s verse: God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers, And thrusts the thing we have prayed For in our face, A gauntlet with a gift in it. — Mary Jane Hathaway
. “Don’t be a stranger. And pray about that petition you filed.” “ Mama, ” Paul groaned. That was the Christian way of saying “I know you’re wrong but you won’t take my word for it, so God will have to explain it to you. Mary Jane Hathaway
His mama put down the bag and headed for the door, her mouth a thin line. “ Wait! What are you doing? Don’t go over there and yell at her.” Paul jumped off the stool and tried to beat her to the door. “Oh, honey, I would never do that.” His mama stepped into the hallway. “I’m fixin’ to invite her for dinner. Mary Jane Hathaway
I think you should ignore Sara Teasdale (she’s a bit of a moper, to be honest.). Take Christina Rossetti’s advice and be fire. Mary Jane Hathaway
Oh, right. She doesn’t know your secret identity.” Andy unzipped his sweatshirt and tossed it on a chair. “So, Meg Ryan just sent Tom Hanks a book but…” “ No, Meg Ryan just sent NY152 a book, which was then overnighted to Tom Hanks, who lives above Meg Ryan and knows she’s Shopgirl, while she has no idea he’s NY152.” “I’m a little disturbed you know that movie so well.” “ It was actually a remake of a 1937 play called Parfumerie by Miklós László.” Paul blew out a breath. “And it’s really not as fun as they made it sound.” “ But hey, at least you can say you’ve got mail, ” Andy said, chuckling. . Mary Jane Hathaway