Quotes From "The Opposite Of Loneliness: Essays And Stories" By Marina Keegan

But it became clear very quickly that I'd underestimated how much I liked him. Not him, perhaps, but the fact that I had someone on the other end of an invisible line. Someone to update and get updates from, to inform of a comic discovery, to imagine while dancing in a lonely basement, and to return to, finally, when the music stopped. Marina Keegan
The biggest fight in my relationship with Danny regards his absurd claim that he invited the popular middle school phenomenon of saying "cha-cha-cha" after each phrase of the Happy Birthday song- an idea his ingenious sixth-grade brain allegedly spawned in a New Jersey Chuck E. Cheese and watched spread across 1993 America with an unprecedented rapidity. Marina Keegan
Whales feel cohesion, a sense of community, of loyalty. The distress call of a lone whale is enough to prompt its entire pod to rush to its side- a gesture that lands them nose to nose in the same sand. It's a fatal symphony of echolocation, a siren call to the sympathetic. Marina Keegan
I feel like we can do something really cool to this world. And I fear - at twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five - we might forget. Marina Keegan
Marina wouldn't want to be remembered because she dead. She would want to be remembered because she's good. Anne Fadiman
Aging is harder for beautiful people, and Anna was beautiful. Marina Keegan
They try to fight the waves, but they can’t fight the moon. They can’t fight the world’s rotation or the bathymetry of oceans or the inevitability that sometimes things just don’t work out. Marina Keegan
When the moon gets bored, it kills whales. Blue whales and fin whales and humpback, sperm, and orca whales: centrifugal forces don’t discriminate. Marina Keegan
I saw everything in the world build up and then everything in the world fall down again. Marina Keegan
It was quiet, the old wood creaking and the snow barely visible outside the stained glass. And I sat down. And I looked up. At this giant room I was in. At this place where thousands of people had sat before me. And alone, at night, in the middle of a New Haven storm, I felt so remarkably, unbelievably safe. Marina Keegan
We're so young. We can't, we MUST not loose this sense of possibility because in the end, it's all we have. Marina Keegan