Quotes From "The One You Want" By Gena Showalter

Oh, sweet! New man meat’s made it to town, y’all. Let’s gobble. Gena Showalter
My momma says we don’t need a man to do our chores for us, ’cause we are smart and capable and I believe her even though Sara’s mom says men were born to be our slaves, we just have to know how to manage them. Gena Showalter
He was here! And he was performing live and in-person girl porn–household tasks! Gena Showalter
The air smelled like testosterone and manflesh again. (That was a thing, right?) Gena Showalter
You speak as if I actually have a soul. As if mine wasn’t ripped from me by lies and betrayal. Gena Showalter
If you’d rather not go with me, I will completely understand and won’t hate you for more than a day. Maybe two. Gena Showalter
She gave him a double-birded salute, and he barked out a rusty laugh. I’m laughing. Me. When was the last time that had happened? He couldn’t remember. But she kept doing things to amuse him. Shock him, even. Like pulling out a sword and expressing a very real fear about zombies. Zombies. Gena Showalter
I’ve known him a long time. I admire him. Hell, I might even love him. He helped me when–well, he helped me, and I owe him. He never lies, never plays games. He always says what he means and means what he says. And he has made it clear you’re off-limits. Gena Showalter
This woman might have a daughter, but she was as innocent and pure as newly fallen snow. Gena Showalter