Quotes From "The Nothing Spirit: Nothing Is Everything" By Grace Fiorre

After all, I had been waiting decades for it to come. I wanted to escape this world, but only it could help me. Grace Fiorre
Don't feel sad. The only certain thing in life... is death itself. She's free from her body and her soul is ready to take on another new life, so she can continue on until she becomes light, just like the stars. Grace Fiorre
If I want to gain her trust, I have to give her mine... Grace Fiorre
You were spying on me?" I repeated, this time my tone was stern." Nonsense! I was making sure you were safe." He answered, fluttering his wings and landing in front of me. "That's what friends do. Grace Fiorre
Learn to let go or everything you have ever done will be in vain. You will let go of everything right now." He told me, staring into my blue eyes with his big golden orbs. "You are going to let go of everything in this world and let yourself become nothing. Do you understand? Grace Fiorre
The memory slowly faded away. I could feel tears strolling down my snout from my eyes. I missed my father... He did what he could to save me that day. Grace Fiorre
Confidence is good, but when they hold their heads high like that, it just makes them look cocky and snobbish. Grace Fiorre
Just rest and soon enough, you'll be home." I assured her as she slowly closed her eyes and the smile on her face faded. Grace Fiorre
Um..." I mumbled, "We wait."" What? Wait? Do you expect them to just come up here to the beach to get some moonlight?" He sneered as he took another bite of the eagle. Grace Fiorre
I don't."" Don't what?" She asked, somewhat puzzled." I don't know many things. The only thing I know is that I know nothing. Grace Fiorre