Quotes From "The Mystical Enlightenment Of Friedrich Nietzsche: On The Death Of God And The God Within" By Shai Tubali

No more the victory of spirit over matter and definitely not the victory of matter over spirit — the next stage is not one overcoming the other, but a merge. Shai Tubali
The rule: when energy, 'negative' as it may be, moves without resistance, it easily sublimates and becomes raw energy of power and presence; resistance to it makes it freeze in its current state. For this reason, morality not only does not help our sexuality develop but also forces it to stay as it is. Shai Tubali
It is the brain's full and absolute responsibility to evolve, nobody will do it for it, and grace and salvation do not exist. The brain must take its place as the source of grace and learn to operate itself properly. In fact, its transformation will begin when it will bear all responsibility alone. Shai Tubali
This is the age of the individual and there is no reason to believe that this focus of mankind is likely to change in the foreseeable future. Hence, the mission is to put individualism inside a wide context and to give it meaning and a sense of direction; to empower it — but authentically this time. Shai Tubali
The brain's transmutation begins when consciousness understands that it made everything up — morality, good and bad, redemption and the truth. With this understanding, it realizes that now it can start anew. Shai Tubali