Quotes From "The Menace Of The Herd: Or Procrustes At Large" By Erik Von KuehneltLeddihn

There is no such thing as a historical fatality there...
There is no such thing as a historical fatality there is only a historical nemesis which punishes those who have hesitated to act when action was still possible. Erik Von KuehneltLeddihn
To accuse nations (not leaders or governments) is the hallmark of the demo-nationalist of the nineteenth or twentieth centuries; it leads to endless hatreds, feelings of revenge, misunderstandings, and frictions. It is the surest guarantee for perpetual mass wars. Erik Von KuehneltLeddihn
The great pagan sadness of modern man is largely due to his premonition of ultimate disaster. Francis Stuart Campbell
The essence of modern capitalism is not slavery of the antique pattern but the possession of the expensive tools of production by a small plutocratic group which controls frequently the tools of persuasion. Francis Stuart Campbell
In a struggle against a revolutionary idea it is only possible to use ideological elements which are a thousand times more radical, or adopt principles which represent a total reaction against them. Francis Stuart Campbell
Russian bolshevism, replacing eastern Christendom by the grim religiosity of Marx, produced a caricature of the evangelical counsels with many a diabolical aspect. There is a good deal of “communism” in monasteries and convents, yet this is based upon a voluntary renunciation of perfect human rights. On account of our free will we can make supreme sacrifices which ennobles our very existence. Bolshevism on the other hand forces us brutally into a parody of monastic life amidst fellow monks and fellow nuns who hate their habit and sigh under the ferocious tyranny of their pseudo-abbot. This evil distortion of an otherwise Christian ideal is more satanic than wanton, a thoroughly pagan and diabolic opposition to Christian existence. This explains also the reason why the Vatican has found stronger words against “altruistic” bolshevism than against egoistic capitalism . Erik Von KuehneltLeddihn