Quotes From "The Man Who Wouldnt Stand Up" By Jacob M. Appel

Nixon’s offences had been so long in the past, so much part of a different era that he now seemed like some lovable but bigoted uncle you tolerated at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Jacob M. Appel
Arnold had never given much thought to whether or not he loved America–but now it seemed pretty obvious to him that he didn’t. Not in the way Nathan Hale had loved America. Or even in the way his late father, a Dutch-Jewish refugee, had loved America. In fact, he found the idea of sacrificing his life for his country somewhat abhorrent. Moreover, it wasn’t that he disliked abstract loyalties in general. He loved New York, for instance: Senegalese takeout at three a.m., and strolling through the Botanical Gardens on the first crisp day of autumn, and feeding the peacocks at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. If Manhattan were invaded–if New Jersey were to send an expeditionary force of militiamen across the Hudson River–he’d willingly take up arms to defend his city. He also loved Sandpiper Key in Florida, where they owned a time-share, and maybe Brown University, where he’d spent five years of graduate school. But the United States? No one could mistake his qualified praise for love. . Jacob M. Appel
Patriotism is being convinced your country is better because you were born in it. Jacob M. Appel
That was the heart of the problem: every choice made sense from some vantage point. Jacob M. Appel