Quotes From "The Love Mindset: An Unconventional Guide To Healing And Happiness" By Vironika Tugaleva

The history of your happiness is the history of your...
The history of your happiness is the history of your feeling connected. Vironika Tugaleva
A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is...
A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized. Vironika Tugaleva
Only love that continues to flow in the face of...
Only love that continues to flow in the face of anger, blame, and indifference can be called love. All else is simply a transaction. Vironika Tugaleva
Temporary, but excruciating, pain is the price of healing. Vironika Tugaleva
There is no transcending our minds, only using them optimally. Vironika Tugaleva
The self-judging person will always judge others. The rubric we develop for ourselves, the measuring stick we put against our own mind and body, generalizes to every other human being. Vironika Tugaleva
Love is more abundant than we could possibly imagine. Just like there is more air than we could possibly breathe in, there is more love than we could possibly perceive. Vironika Tugaleva
The next stage of evolution is the evolution of perception, the evolution of the mind. Vironika Tugaleva
This is what a real teacher does: she opens the gates of our minds to the possibilities of the soul. Vironika Tugaleva
The mind, just like the body, becomes exactly what it is fed. While the body is nourished by food, the mind is nourished by thoughts. Vironika Tugaleva
Many so-called disorders of the mind are simply disorders of thought. Vironika Tugaleva
In our thoughts, we hold the key to our feelings. In our minds, we hold the key to love. Vironika Tugaleva
There are few things more powerful than people united. Vironika Tugaleva
We crave magic because we are magic. We crave power because we are pure power. Vironika Tugaleva
Just like your body naturally responds positively to some foods, your mind naturally responds positively to some thoughts. Vironika Tugaleva
Love is the essential ingredient. Without it, sex is meaningless, approval is bribery, and success is short-lived. Vironika Tugaleva
Every time I watch a person awaken to their inner strength, I see what we’re made of, and we’re magnificent. We’re brilliant. We really are. We crave magic because we are magic. We crave power because we are pure power. Vironika Tugaleva
Self-improvement without self-love is like building a house upon sand. You can build and build, but it will always sink. Vironika Tugaleva
Day after day, more and more medications are prescribed for depression and addiction, assuming that these things run in our blood, when really they run in our patterns of awareness. Vironika Tugaleva
This is, perhaps, the greatest challenge of our time — to love in the absence of any immediate rewards for our love. Vironika Tugaleva
The transformed person is a revolutionary only because he has revolutionized himself. He gives the people inspiration by holding up a mirror to their inner substance. Vironika Tugaleva
If you ate nails, your stomach would hurt, and it’s a good thing that it would. Eating nails is deadly, thus the pain is helpful. Like this, sadness, anger, and anxiety are not to be feared or shamed, but listened to and decoded. Vironika Tugaleva
People who don’t know how to use their minds can’t really know how to use their hearts either. Vironika Tugaleva
By serving humanity, I automatically serve myself. Vironika Tugaleva
When we can see our own self, angry and hurting others, within every villain, then we can love. When we can see our own desperate struggle for belonging in the eyes of every enemy, then we can love. When we can look at the greatest of atrocities and see the opportunity for healing within, then, and only then, can we really love. Vironika Tugaleva
We deny the same love to others that we deny ourselves. We distort others in the same way we distort ourselves. Vironika Tugaleva
When you see a person acting violently, ask yourself whether he knows how powerful he is. If he knew his power, would he feel the need to assert it? Vironika Tugaleva
Though your acts of love and compassion cannot penetrate bandages or armour, they are never wasted and never lost. They sit within the recipient’s mind, awaiting his awakening. Vironika Tugaleva
Once you understand love, you don’t need a reward your kindness or compassion just like you don’t need a reward for breathing. Vironika Tugaleva
In the world of so-called villains, what we need is not another hero. What we need is to stop the influx of people who dress themselves as menaces and proceed to harm others. Vironika Tugaleva
It is only once you see the baffled expression on the face of your enemy when you give his cruel words a warm smile that you’ll understand, truly understand, what love is all about. Vironika Tugaleva
As I think of myself, so I shall be. Vironika Tugaleva
We are like puzzle pieces who are perfectly suited to make a giant picture together, but we are assembling ourselves in the dark. Vironika Tugaleva
In any ten step instruction manual and every book of doctrines, there is complex advice that serves the very simple function of helping the lonely person find some similarity with the world around him. He connects and, suddenly, there is a burst of joy, a ray of hope. He believes that it was those steps or that book, specifically, that brought him happiness, when really he has simply been triggered into his natural state. Vironika Tugaleva
The child will leave the nest. The best paint job will crack. The best play will become boring. The best work will grow tedious. The best art will lose meaning. The greatest creation will decay. Behind all this, lies my true self. Vironika Tugaleva
In love, there is no need to choose between self and other, because self is other. Vironika Tugaleva
I cannot be broken. I cannot be killed. I cannot fail. This is my identity. This is my core. I am infinite. I am permanent. I am unbreakable. Vironika Tugaleva
Those who love, truly love, can be coerced into nothing. Vironika Tugaleva
Remember who you really are. You cannot be destroyed or hurt. You cannot be harmed or killed. You, the real you, will always be present and powerful. Vironika Tugaleva
We all dream of being exactly what we are — powerful, beautiful, and worthy. Vironika Tugaleva
Fear is just a misunderstanding of your immortality. Vironika Tugaleva
Within, you hold a tiny piece of eternity, a fraction of life, a mirror of the universe. Vironika Tugaleva
We feel good when we hear about how powerful we are because we are pure power. Vironika Tugaleva
I flourish when I realize I'm already complete. Vironika Tugaleva
To live is to grow. Vironika Tugaleva
Your relationship to yourself is and always will be directly reflected in all your relationships with others. Vironika Tugaleva
If I say, “I am weak, ” I ensure that I stay weak. If I say, “I cannot, ” “I’m not the type to, ” “I am not able, ” then I set up a self-fulfilling prophecy. As I think of myself, so I shall be. Vironika Tugaleva
We throw away real people searching for the "perfect" person the same way that we throw ourselves away searching for our "perfect" self. Vironika Tugaleva
All love begins with the love within. Vironika Tugaleva
While we tend to think of love as some faraway place, it is actually a place nearby that we have forgotten. Vironika Tugaleva