Quotes From "The Lost Sisterhood" By Anne Fortier

It may upset my secret sisters that I say this, but between you and me, if you're so fortunate as to have captured the perfect male, peeling off that chain-mail bikini and becoming a part-time Amazon is not so bad after all.- Author's Note, Anne Fortier Anne Fortier
He did not speak; merely looked at her with an expression she had seen traces of before but never fully understood until that moment. It was more apology than accusation---a dark stare of acknowledgment that told her he had long since seen his own fate in her actions, and had long since ceased to hold her responsible. Anne Fortier
We are now left to choose between danger and regret, neither of which can restore the lives we have lost. Anne Fortier
You can tease it's mane all you like, but you can't turn a house cat into a lion. Anne Fortier
Courage has no age. Anne Fortier
It is madness. But sometimes, madness is the only path forward. Anne Fortier
Neeta showed us there can be as much virtue in the things we do not do as on those we do. Anne Fortier
You are too kind, and I am unused to it. For your own sake, do not stroke my misery. It knows not how to respond, but with a vicious bite. Anne Fortier
Paris shook his head." Do you think I would teach just anyone to fight me to the death? I want you to be my wife. My one and only wife. Anne Fortier
But are you not fond of me?" Paris looked up, his eyes full of reproach." Fond of you? Myrina you are my queen. I want you more than I want life itself. Anne Fortier
Why must a woman always surrender? I am not prey! "" No I am. Your arrow struck me long ago." Paris took her hand and placed it on his chest." Right here. And every time I try to pull it out." He used her hand to demonstrate. "You force it back in. Anne Fortier
Fear not! I would rather tear the heart from your bosom than take your bow, for I believe you would miss it less. Anne Fortier
Yes you may come." Paris held up a hand to delay Myrina's raptures. "But this time you will not be wearing my crown. You will be my slave, and believe me I shall enjoy ordering you around. Anne Fortier