Quotes From "The Lazy Mans Guide To Enlightenment" By Thaddeus Golas

We are equal beings and the universe is our relations with each other. Thaddeus Golas
Expansion in love is an action that is available to every being in the universe all the time. A willing awareness will takeus to heaven, a loving attitude will make us free. Nothing else controls our fate. Good or bad behavior is secondary. Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are thinking, love yourself for thinking it. Love is theonly dimension that needs to be changed. If you are not sure how it feels to be loving, love yourself for not being sure ofhow it feels. There is nothing on earth more important than the love which conscious beings feel towards each other, whether or not it is ever expressed. Thaddeus Golas
I can't say I know at this moment what all these laws are. But on some level everybody knows that we are all getting exactly what we deserve. Thaddeus Golas
No matter what your spiritual condition is, no matter where you find yourself in the universe, your choice is always the same: to expand your awareness or contract it. Thaddeus Golas
Physical reality is one of the biggest horror movies of all, and you know how we love horror movies. Thaddeus Golas