Quotes From "The Last Titan" By Michael LaRocca

Funny how much we all suffer trying to spare others a bit of pain. Michael LaRocca
Once I was King of the Titans. Now I need a MedicAlert bracelet and a subscription to the Safe Return program. Can you put out a Silver Alert on a god? I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Michael LaRocca
I have a question for you. When you were a little boy, is this the man you dreamed of becoming? Michael LaRocca
Schopenhauer wrote that to desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake. He was correct. Michael LaRocca
I’ve been working on something that merges rap with classical…. I call it Baby’s Got Bach. Michael LaRocca
At my age, every day that I overcome simple inertia is a victory. Michael LaRocca
He’s not my god.”“ Mine either. Who are you to judge me?”“ Gods should always be judged. Michael LaRocca