Quotes From "The Keeper: A Novel" By Suzanne Woods Fisher

Just because the boat rocks doesn't mean it's time to...
Just because the boat rocks doesn't mean it's time to jump overboard. Suzanne Woods Fisher
He wanted to leave the past a few hundred miles...
He wanted to leave the past a few hundred miles down the road, shake it off like dust. But that ws the problem with the past. It kept finding him. Suzanne Woods Fisher
Time is like the Mississippi River. It only flows in...
Time is like the Mississippi River. It only flows in one direction. You can never go back. Suzanne Woods Fisher
Men are all alike. Grown-up children. Suzanne Woods Fisher
Go far from home and yo will have a long way back. Suzanne Woods Fisher
Why did it take the threat of dying to truly notice how exquisite a sunrise or sunset could be? Suzanne Woods Fisher