Quotes From "The Fifty Shades Of Grey Phenomena" By Chloe Thurlow

Between the lines of every book the writer reveals their...
Between the lines of every book the writer reveals their own secrets. Chloe Thurlow
When you lose yourself in a book the hours grow...
When you lose yourself in a book the hours grow wings and fly. Chloe Thurlow
Writers strive for the impossible: perfection. Even the universe is flawed. Chloe Thurlow
Characters begin as your children and become your teachers. Chloe Thurlow
Books have a life. They breathe. When you write a book, it grows and changes. You learn from your characters after you create them. They come from you and you become them. Chloe Thurlow
Write what you want to write. That's the only advice a writer will ever need. Chloe Thurlow
Writing is like a religion to those who don't practise, an act of faith for those who do. Chloe Thurlow
Who knows why we do it? And when we've done it, nobody wants it. Still we keep doing it. That's what makes a writer a writer. Chloe Thurlow
Perfection is not something you strive for. Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder. Perfection is a state of grace, of peace of serenity, a moment as fleeting as a smile. Chloe Thurlow
The only prophecy the artist can make with confidence is that he and his message will be misunderstood by a world that values all the wrong things. Chloe Thurlow
Good writing like good sex requires discipline. Chloe Thurlow
I'm my characters' galley slave. Chloe Thurlow
One of the key secrets of great writing is knowing where to start and when to stop. Chloe Thurlow