Quotes From "The Elegant Universe: Superstrings Hidden Dimensions And The Quest For The Ultimate Theory" By Brian Greene

...quantum mechanics–the physics of our world–requires that you hold such...
...quantum mechanics–the physics of our world–requires that you hold such pedestrian complaints in abeyance. Brian Greene
...things are the way they are in our universe because if they weren't, we wouldn't be here to notice. Brian Greene
We all love a good story. We all love a tantalizing mystery. We all love the underdog pressing onward against seemingly insurmountable odds. We all, in one form or another, are trying to make sense of the world around us. And all of these elements lie at the core of modern physics. The story is among the grandest -- the unfolding of the entire universe; the mystery is among the toughest -- finding out how the cosmos came to be; the odds are among the most daunting -- bipeds, newly arrived by cosmic time scales trying to reveal the secrets of the ages; and the quest is among the deepest -- the search for fundamental laws to explain all we see and beyond, from the tiniest particles to the most distant galaxies. Brian Greene
…The wonders of life and the universe are mere reflections of microscopic particles engaged in a pointless dance fully choreographed by the laws of physics. Brian Greene
If string theory is right, the microscopic fabric of our universe is a richly intertwined multidimensional labyrinth within which the strings of the universe endlessly twist and vibrate, rhythmically beating out the laws of the cosmos. Brian Greene