Quotes From "The Disneyland Book Of Secrets 2014 Dca: One Locals Unauthorized Rapturous And Indispensable Guide To The Happiest Place..." By Leslie Le Mon

It was creative, not financial success that thrilled Walt. Leslie Le Mon
For many, it's a once-in-a-lifetime, long dreamed-of and longed-saved-for trip. Pennies have been pinched and sacrifices made to make the vacation a reality. All Guests' wallets will be separated from a great deal of money, like trout expertly filleted, but it will be a curious;y painless experience, for all but a few, the trip will be transcendently and sublimely worth every sacrifice and penny. Leslie Le Mon
By holiday time, Buena Vista Street felt like Bedford Falls, with its vintage lights and decorations, and a classic Santa Claus listening to children's holiday wishes at Elias & Co. Cocoa clutching--- Guests in scarves and parkas filled the streets and shops. Leslie Le Mon
Walt also had a humorous sign posted outside the mansion, recruiting ghosts who wanted to enjoy 'active retirement' in the "country club atmosphere' of this 'fashionable address'. Interested ghosts were to write to the 'Ghost Relations Dept. Disneyland, ' and were told, ' Do not apply in person. Leslie Le Mon