Quotes From "The Devils Waltz" By Anne Stuart

He was sound asleep, his long legs stretched out in front of him, the blessed fire blazing, an empty bottle of wine by his side. He hadn't been shaved recently, and he looked rumpled, dissolute and beautiful. Likea fallen angel. She moved to stand in front of him and pointed the pistol directly at his heart." I wouldn't do that if I were you, " he murmured, and then he opened his extraordinary eyes. "It's alwaysunwise to shoot the man you're in love with. Anne Stuart
It's a good thing you're an aging orphan, " he murmured, gently pushing the hair away from her face. "I don't have to wait around to get anyone's permission."" Permission for what, you rat bastard?" she said. "Such language, dragon. I'm afraid you're going to have to marry me. Anne Stuart
I hate to tell you, dragon, but that's an integral part of the whole usiness, " he whispered. "If you're afraid to touch me then we're not going to get very far." She lifted her head to look at him. "I thought I could lie back and let you ravish me, " she said with complete honesty. He shook his head, the smile hovering around his lips, his eyes intent. "This is a cooperative effort, my love. You have to do your part. Anne Stuart
What have you done with Hetty?" he demanded." Listened to her incessant prattle, complaints, tears, demands, artless conversation and recriminations for more than twenty-four hours. You will be pleased to know I didn't touch her–if I had I would have throttled her. Take her away, if you please. I'd rather spend the rest of my life a pauper than have to spend even another day with the divine Miss Chippie. . Anne Stuart
I lied. I do that, you know, when it suits...
I lied. I do that, you know, when it suits me. I would have thought you'd realized that by now. Anne Stuart
After all, if spinster chaperons required their own spinster chaperons...
After all, if spinster chaperons required their own spinster chaperons there simply wouldn't be enough to go around. Anne Stuart