Quotes From "The Dark Prophecy" By Rick Riordan

Dear Meg,
Dear Meg, " I said. "I can't be sure about Lityerses. But I think we must try. We only fail when we stop trying. Rick Riordan
Back in medieval times, " I said, "we used oil of vitriol for its healing properties. No doubt that's why Commodus had some in his infirmary. Today we call it sulfuric acid." Meg flinched. "Isn't that dangerous?"" Very."" And you *healed* with it?"" It was the Middle Ages. We were crazy back then. Rick Riordan
Meg, what I'm about to do - never, ever try this on your own." I felt a bit silly giving this advice to a girl who regulartly fought monsters with golden swords, but I had promised Bill Nye the Science Guy I would always promote safe laboratory practices. Rick Riordan
Ever since my famous battle with Python, I've had a...
Ever since my famous battle with Python, I've had a phobia of scaly reptilian creatures. (Especially if you include my stepmother, Hera. BOOM! ) Rick Riordan
When in doubt,
When in doubt, " Calypso said, "Tater Tots. Rick Riordan
Four different kinds of Tater Tots?
Four different kinds of Tater Tots?" I felt overwhelmed by culinary confusion. "Why would anyone need so many? Chili. Sweet potato. Blue? Rick Riordan
We were ten feet away when we triggered the First Law of Percy Jackson Rick Riordan