Quotes From "The Broken Eye" By Brent Weeks

Hope is the great deceiver. Hope is the piper who...
Hope is the great deceiver. Hope is the piper who leads us sleepy to our slaughter. Brent Weeks
This world has only two kinds of people: villains and smiling villains. Brent Weeks
...Many shadows hide behind light, and the best lies are those seasoned liberally with truth: salt covering the flavor of rotten meat. Brent Weeks
He is terribly bright; he is handsome; he is charming; and you have spoiled him horribly. In other words, he has all the makings of a true monster. Brent Weeks
Every act intends some good. Brent Weeks
..More choices in a limited time didn't mean didn't mean you could do everything-it meant that you could do anything, so you probably did nothing, frozen with indecision. Brent Weeks
He kissed her. And she kissed him. And it was infatuation, and it was hunger, and it was longing to be loved, and it was an all-consuming fire so hot it devoured worry and loneliness and fear and time and being and thought itself. They kissed, embracing, flying, and for a hundred heartbeats, there was no war, no death, no pain, nothing hard, nothing terrible, nothing but warmth and acceptance. Brent Weeks