Quotes From "The Arrangement" By Sarah Dunn

I'm too busy being the bad guy.” It was one of those things that get said in a marriage, something that starts out as a genuine compliment but turns into a criticism without either party noticing or caring all that much. Sarah Dunn
But you've looked forward to this trip for so long."" And now I won't have it to look forward to any longer. Ashley Warlick
She bit her lower lip hard and blinked her eyes. There was such wistfulness and longing in his voice. Oh, she was going to give him back his eyes, or the next best thing, if it took her the rest of her life to do it. Mary Balogh
...it was hard to be a mother when you had never been mothered yourself. Your children's needs remind you of your needs. Their pain reminds you of your pain. All of it reminds you of how bad it felt, how hard it was, how much you wanted and needed and didn't get. It's very hard. Sarah Dunn