Quotes From "The Accidental Caregiver: How I Met Loved And Lost Legendary Holocaust Refugee Maria Altmann" By Gregor Collins

The bigger the words the weaker the voice. Gregor Collins
To find meaning in our lives we need consistent exposure to kids, elders and animals... cuz kids and animals aren't looking for it, and elders are the closest to finding it. Gregor Collins
If what makes a person an artist is their work, they should be admired; if what makes a person an artist is themselves, they should be adored. Gregor Collins
I don't write comedy. I write drama that's funny. Gregor Collins
I love cheetahs. Every moment of every day is spent in fear of dying a terrible death yet they always carry themselves elegantly, remain loyal to their family, and never complain about anything. Gregor Collins
I wish dogs understood: 'We're going in five minutes. Gregor Collins
Talent is being unabashedly and unapologetically fearless in the work that you do. The only difference between having talent and not having talent is fear. Gregor Collins
Stupidity is actually in a way the mark of intelligence - if you're not doing stupid things that defy logic you're probably not taking enough risks. Gregor Collins
Out of all the medical advancements in human history I'm still most in awe of that tiny little piece of toilet paper that can stop a gushing razor cut in its tracks. Gregor Collins
Sometimes standing up for what you believe means standing down and allowing the universe to do its work. Gregor Collins
What I love about New York: the faster and more recklessly my cab driver drives the safer and all around better I feel. Gregor Collins
Boredom is actually a sign of ambition. So act on it. Gregor Collins
When Rip Torn dies - heaven forbid - but when he dies, you'll only have to write RIP Torn. Gregor Collins
If Wolf Blitzer goes through his entire career on air without crying, I think that'll be the time to greenlight the remake of 'Never Cry Wolf. Gregor Collins
Politicians study hard and work diligently their entire lives to be able to stand in front of a national audience and lie through their teeth. Gregor Collins