Quotes From "Tears To Triumph: The Spiritual Journey From Suffering To Enlightenment" By Marianne Williamson

Spirituality isn't some quaint stepchild of an intelligent worldview, or the only option for those of us not smart enough to understand the facts of the real world. Spirituality reflects the most sophisticated mindset, and the most powerful force available for the transformation of human suffering. Marianne Williamson
The soul theoretically is the purview of religion. But in today’s society, relatively few people look to religion to truly heal their despair — and for understandable reason. In most ways organized religion has abdicated its role of spiritual comforter, if not through its own malfeasance, the at least through dissociation from the soulfulness at the core of its mission. Modern psychotherapy has taken up some the slack, and yet it too fails deliver when it doesn the soult necessary to heal our emotional pain. The psychotherapeutic profession has now turned to the pharmaceutical industry to compensate for its frequent lack of effectiveness, yet the pharmaceutical industry lacks the ability to do more about our sadness than to numb it. Marianne Williamson
Spirituality reflects the most sophisticated mindset and the most power force available for the transformation of human suffering — whether some is taking medication or not. That is why learning the basics of a spiritual worldview — and the mental, emotional, and behavioral principals that this entails — is key to reclaiming our inner peace. Marianne Williamson
A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to...
A spiritual reinterpretation of events gives us miraculous authority to command the winds, to part the waters, and to break all chains that bind us. Marianne Williamson
How odd that we spend so much time treating the darkness, and so little time seeking the light. The ego loves to glorify itself by self-analysis, yet we do not get rid of darkness by hitting it with a baseball bat. We only get rid of darkness by turning on the light. Marianne Williamson
The most powerful thought is a prayerful thought. When I'm praying for you, I am praying for my own peace of mind. I can only have for myself what I am willing to wish for you. Marianne Williamson