Quotes From "Sister Age" By M.F.K. Fisher

Put Rachel facing the door, in a faint subtle effort to make her know that if he had only had enough money and had managed to finish the thesis, he might well have asked her to be his hostess and share her life with him. M.F.K. Fisher
Inwardly, though, she was blown empty by a giant breath, and while they stood waiting for Mr. Henshaw to tie up the Clara she knew that she would never be the same poor, ignorant woman of an hour ago. She would be poor, all right, and she would be ignorant and she would be a woman, but never in the same ways. M.F.K. Fisher
I let myself exist mainly through my children... [but] I could not even guess at the lives my children led. M.F.K. Fisher
She resolved, at forty-some, that since she herself must die, she would do it as gracefully as possible, as free as possible from vomitings, moans, the ignominy of basins, bedsores, and enemas, not to mention the intenser ignominious dependence of weak knees and various torments of the troubled mind. M.F.K. Fisher
Our dispassionate acceptance of attrition...[can] be matched by a full use of everything that has ever happened in all the long wonderful-ghastly years to free a person's mind from his body. M.F.K. Fisher
If I were rich, I would buy him a new black suit.... If I had next week's allowance and had not spent this week's on three Cherry Flips ... M.F.K. Fisher