Quotes From "Shades Of Grey" By Jasper Fforde

I didn't set out to discover a truth. I was actually sent to the Outer Fringes to conduct a chair census and learn some humility. But the truth inevitably found me, as important truths often do, like a lost thought in need of a mind. Jasper Fforde
Okay, this is the wisdom. First, time spent on reconnaissanse is never wasted. Second, almost anything can be improved with the addition of bacon. And finally, there is no problem on Earth that can't be ameliorated by a hot bath and a cup of tea. Jasper Fforde
I've managed to bring the backlog down to a mere sixty-eight years, " she announced with some small sense of achievement. "I hope to be able to start marking the papers of pupils who are still alive by the end of the decade. Jasper Fforde
Now and again. Good residency is about having the power to ask someone to do something, but not necessarily exercising it. Jasper Fforde
The very possibility of death focuses the mind wonderfully. Jasper Fforde
Chromatacia…society…ruled by a colortocracy…social hierarchy based upon one's limited color perception, society is dominated by color. In this world, you are what you can see. Jasper Fforde
Those that can be troubled to muse upon the meaning of life are general disappointed when they figure it out. Jasper Fforde
And we kissed again. It was a warm, indescribably lovely feeling. But it was more than just physical. It was a dialogue between two young people with high ideals and a Big Plan. It was about belonging, secrets, partnership, commitment. Jasper Fforde
The sky was like ebony and the only illumination was the harsh white light of the central streetlamp, which cast shadows so hard it seemed you might cut yourself on them. Jasper Fforde
…although her mouth uttered fond words, her eyes spoke only venom. Jasper Fforde
She had large, questioning eyes that seemed to draw me in and a sense of quiet outrage that simmered just beneath the surface. More than anything, within her features, there was a streak of wild quirkiness that made her dazzlingly attractive. Jasper Fforde
For myself, I favored the abstract. I collected not just obsolete terms and words, but ideas. Jasper Fforde
Another one of your quippy japes? Jasper Fforde
Rouge of my heart, intertwined with double-hued destiny, Thread of my thoughts, constant and rubicund legacy, Filament of my future, endeared unto my expectation, Cord of my emotion, seared with eternal elation. Jasper Fforde
7. 3. 12. 31. 208: Reckless disrespect of the lightless hours will not be tolerated. Jasper Fforde
The best plans are always the simplest. Jasper Fforde
I don't need you to agree with me, " she said quietly." I'll go away happy with a little bit of doubt. Doubt is good. It's an emotion we can build on. Perhaps if we feed it with curiosity it will blossom into something useful, like suspicion - and action. Jasper Fforde
I'm beginning to think you're the sort of person who does a great deal with very little." He meant a liar. Jasper Fforde
The cucumber and the tomato are both fruit; the avocado is a nut. To assist with the dietary requirements of vegetarians, on the first Tuesday of the month a chicken is officially a vegetable. Jasper Fforde
In fact, the room was so quiet you might have heard a drop of paint splash. Jasper Fforde
Keep your head down, Edward. Those that see too much quickly find themselves seeing nothing at all. Jasper Fforde
Believe me, you're going to have to do much worse than this--in the pursuit of freedom, the innocents will suffer--and at your hands. Jasper Fforde
There's more to good or bad than what's written in the Rulebook. Jasper Fforde
Never underestimate the capacity for romance, no matter what the circumstances. Jasper Fforde
You want me to spy on a National Colour operative?'' Wow, ' she said, 'you got it. I thought I was going to have to explain that one for a lot longer. Jasper Fforde
Those that see too much quickly find themselves seeing nothing at all. Jasper Fforde
Curiosity is a descending stair…that leads to only who-knows-where. Jasper Fforde
The front room of his house was what I called 'untidy chic'. Prefects weren't subject to the same Rules on room tidiness, but since no one really enjoyed clutter, a certain style of ordered untidiness was generally considered de couleur for a prefect's room. Jasper Fforde
Edward, Edward, " he said with a patronising smile, "there are no unanswered questions of any relevance. Every question that we need to ask has been answered fully. If you can't find the correct answer then you are obviously asking the wrong question. Jasper Fforde
…the known had been so long dwarfed by the unknown that confusion was an easy bedfellow. Jasper Fforde
Marriage is an honorable estate and should not be used simply as an excuse for legal intercourse. Jasper Fforde
A surfeit of information often hides an untruth, ” he said, with annoying clarity. Jasper Fforde