Quotes From "Secrets" By Kristen Heitzmann

She headed for a wide flat rock on the creek's...
She headed for a wide flat rock on the creek's bank, her posture still demanding 'no trespassing' but no longer 'trespassers will be shot. Kristen Heitzmann
Life peels us like an onion and every layer is softer and sweeter. Kristen Heitzmann
So little I know in my innocence. Ideals, like pebbles in a stream wash away, wash away. Life makes no sense. Kristen Heitzmann
I fall hard and I fall fast, and I wouldn't change it for anything. Eve Newton
He was nuts. He'd scammed the quarterly mental health exam and was certifiably insane. Not that that's ever stopped me from sleeping with anyone. Jordan Castillo Price
His gaze was so soft that she would like to wrap herself with it. Kristen Heitzmann