Quotes From "Schradingers Cat Trilogy" By Robert Anton Wilson

Getting even was the basis of many primate semantic confusions, such as"expropriating the expropriators, " "an absolute crime demands an absolute penalty, " "they did it to me so I can do it to them, " and, in general, the emotional mathematics of "one plus one equals zero" (1 + 1 = 0).The primates were so dumb they didn't realize that one plus one equals two (1 + 1 = 2) and one murder plus one murder equals two murders, one crime plus one crime equals two crimes, etc. Robert Anton Wilson
That night he wrote in his diary, "Challenge a remaining taboo." It was that simple. He had always wanted to understand genius, and now he had the formula. Freud, living in an age that prized its own seeming rationality, had found one of the remaining taboos and dared to think beyond it: he discovered infant sexuality and the unconscious, among other things. Galileo had gone beyond the taboo "Thou shalt not question Aristotle." Every great discovery had been the breaking of a taboo. . Robert Anton Wilson