Quotes From "Saints For All Occasions" By J. Courtney Sullivan

Someone could save your life without you ever knowing it....
Someone could save your life without you ever knowing it. It happened more than most people realized. J. Courtney Sullivan
The moment a woman was born determined so much of...
The moment a woman was born determined so much of who she was allowed to become. J. Courtney Sullivan
Now she saw that marriage was like being in a three-legged race with the same person for the rest of your life. Your hopes, your happiness, your luck, your moods, all yoked to his. J. Courtney Sullivan
She had learned over time that to know anything was bearable. It was secrecy that could not be borne. J. Courtney Sullivan
It was amazing that you did not become your grief entirely, and walk about leaking it everywhere. J. Courtney Sullivan
One of life's contradictions: how human beings were at once entirely resilient and impossibly fragile. One decision could stay with you forever, and yet you could live through almost anything. J. Courtney Sullivan