Quotes From "Rules Of Seduction" By Jenna Mullins

People will let you down in this business every single day. I think you'll be let down and disappointed more than you'll be accepted and excited. But you need to find ways to keep yourself inspired. This is mine. What's yours? Jenna Mullins
So…” Nolan smirked. “Are you going to tell me why you had a trunk load of pleasure devices delivered to your door, or are we going to just keep ignoring the giant box of sex toys in the room? Joya Ryan
Nolan, ” she said. “I’m…” Scared. Say it. Tell him the truth. But her mouth remained still against his. She couldn’t tell him how badly she wanted to pull him close, because then she may not let go. She couldn’t tell him how terrified she was that she’d get lost again to another man. He cupped her face, silently coaxing her to finish her sentence. “You’re what, love?” Her eyes met his. “I’m broken. . Joya Ryan