Quotes From "Rogue" By Rachel Vincent

I had no desire to hear another woman tell my...
I had no desire to hear another woman tell my boyfriend how hot he was. If I wanted him to know, I'd damn well tell him myself. Rachel Vincent
Walking around nude in front of humans was not a...
Walking around nude in front of humans was not a good way to keep a low profile with the community. It was an excellent way to make new friends, though. Rachel Vincent
Screw this. He’d blown his shot at nice-and-easy, which only...
Screw this. He’d blown his shot at nice-and-easy, which only left quick-and-brutal–my favorite way to play. Rachel Vincent
In the office, Michael sat behind our father’s desk, clicking...
In the office, Michael sat behind our father’s desk, clicking away at the computer with his right hand, and making notes with his left. Ambidextrous freak. Rachel Vincent
I laughed. It was just like Owen to make excuses for someone else’s shortcomings. Even fictional characters. Owen found my tendency to speak my mind “refreshingly honest, ” and hailed Marc’s temper as “a deep protective instinct.” He said Ethan “thoroughly enjoyed life, ” and that Parker “really knew how to have a good time.” According to Owen, we were all doing just fine, and all was right with the world. . Rachel Vincent
Marc’s hand tightened visibly around Kevin’s fingers, his digits going white. Again. Both men clenched their jaws, Kevin in pain, and Marc in an obvious effort to control his temper and keep from breaking Kevin’s hand. Off. Why couldn’t guys find a more original way to test each other’s manly prowess? Arm wrestling might have been more subtle. Or maybe comparing the length of their…canines. Rachel Vincent
Behind me, Marc made a soft whistling sound, clearly impressed. “That’s not standard procedure, ” he said, his tone entirely too reasonable as he leaned over the stray’s body to open the back passenger-side door. “Yeah, well, I’m not your standard enforcer. Rachel Vincent
Most aspects of my training didn’t agree with me. There...
Most aspects of my training didn’t agree with me. There wasn’t as much bossing around as I’d hoped for, and there was way too much following orders. Rachel Vincent
The poor serve the elite, and they have too much fear to stop. So the poor get poorer, and the elite stay safe and powerful. Chelsie Shock
The cameras were electronic monsters, moving with them as they walked and staring with one big, perverted eye. Chelsie Shock
I think that the things that are supposed to happen stay inside you...even if they cannot be, they fight to get out of you. Even if the adversities of life keep you imprisoned, making your destiny seem impossible...you still feel it. There has to be a place, somewhere, even in dreams... where the things that are supposed to happen...happen. Chelsie Shock
Remember you?” I croaked. “I came back for you Katy Evans
She wished she had a set of greeting cards at the ready, but Hallmark probably didn’t make any that said Thank you for giving up your life so that me and my friends could escape! It was SO appreciated. XOXO! Gina Damico
My lover is dead. And they think I killed him. I'm running rogue. Hell bent on both revenge and redemption. Whatever it takes, I'm going to finish a job that began nine months ago. An unauthorized assignment that turned horribly, devastatingly wrong. My miscalculation. My fault. My heart left shattered into incomplete pieces which will never wholly fit back together again. But first I have to outsmart my former organization and the hired killer they've sent after me; a ghost from my past who knows my every move, who’s been inside my head, my heart, my dreams and memories: Jaxson.I'm the traitor, Kylie. The rogue mercenary, Jaxon's newest assignment. And this is our love story. Michele Mannon
There are a dozen St. George soldiers hiding in that maze, ” my trainer said. “All hunting you. All looking to kill you. Welcome to Phase Two of your training, hatchling. Julie Kagawa
There are a dozen St. George soldiers hiding in that maze, ” my trainer said. “All hunting you. All looking to kill you. Welcone to Phase Two of your training, hatchling. Julie Kagawa
There was no way I was going to let him die. He was my other half; without him, I felt incomplete. I wasn't sure if this was my dragon talking or me, but I couldn't imagine a world without Riley. Julie Kagawa