Quotes From "Return To Me" By Kelly Moran

Maybe he was going to hell. Except, he could’ve sworn that was where he’d been the past ten years. Kelly Moran
Go. Do what you have to do. Be the hero that you are … but come back to me. There’s more to Noah McCall than the head of Last Chance Rescue. I see that man.… I love them both. Return to me, Noah. Please. - Mara to Noah Christy Reece
He slid the photo out and raised it. The sun washed out any distinguishable characteristics. All except her eyes. He didn’t need a picture to remember those. As turquoise as the waters near Cozumel, and just as warm. Kelly Moran
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was going out with a rifle in his hand. Kelly Moran