Quotes From "Rebel Heart" By Moira Young

Fer in our dreams we find ourselves. Who we were....
Fer in our dreams we find ourselves. Who we were. Who we are. Who we can become. Sleep. Dream. Moira Young
There are some people, she says, not many, who have within them the power to change things. The courage to act in the service of somethin greater than themselves. Moira Young
I weep fer the livin. I weep fer the dead. I weep fer the yet to be born. Moira Young
This might not mean much to you right now, but fer what it's worth, I'll tell you. Maybe I know better'n most. Life ain't black an white. People ain't neether. Family, friends, lovers. It's all a lot more complicated. The longer I live, the more I see, the less I know fer sure. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart. So dry yer tears. Whoever he is, he won't be cryin over you. Men never do. That's the one thing I do know fer sure. Now, muck up them boots a bit. . Moira Young
There's some wounds that run too deep to be seen. They're the most dangerous. Moira Young
Maybe I did mean to kill myself. I didn't think it outright but...maybe the truth is, I didn't-- I don't--much care one way or th'other. Moira Young
The mask's back in place. The heard-it-all smile. The seen-it-all eyes. Moira Young
But tears don't bring back the dead. I learned that. Moira Young
We like to think we’re in charge of our own lives, but we ain’t. Moira Young